

今集節目內容:Tonio 與 Edmond 及Jeff 大談全球及香港經歷新冠肺炎兩年多後,及香港有接近30萬人離港,企業在人才招聘及管理之新策略



鍾宏安 Edmon Chung

DotAsia Organization 行政總裁

鍾宏安先生是一位科技及社會創新推動者。現任DotAsia亞洲域名註冊機構行政總裁,互聯網名稱與數字地址分配機構(ICANN)、香港互聯網協會(ISOC HK)理事及創不同協作(MaD Institute)董事。鍾先生還擔任互聯網及社創界內多個重要職位,包括亞太區互聯網治理論壇(APrIGF)秘書長、聯合國互聯網管治論壇籌款委員會創始理事及現任祕書處、香港兒童國際電影節聯合創辦人等。

鍾先生是國際化域名(Internationalized Domain Names)及多語言電郵地址技術等的發明者並取得多項專利。他曾在2000年獲《環球郵報》(The Globe and Mail) 選為加拿大青年領袖之一,並在2001年獲得加拿大華裔企業家選舉的最具創新精神獎。在2002年,他開始參與DotAsia創辦的工作,創立首個在亞洲營運的通用頂級域名,並於2006年起,出任行政總裁。鍾先生畢業於多倫多大學工程碩士學位。


歐贊年 Jeff Au

Incu-Lab 策略總監

Jeffrey Au belongs to the 1st generation of creative-force in e-business, e-content and mobile business when the technology, Internet and telecommunication boom started in the exciting 90’s.

He is involved in the development and advocacy of most of the pioneer digital products and services in Internet’s earliest stage, including Internet content portal, e-commerce, search engine, push technology platform, digital community, mobile gaming, mobile utilities and other most novel digital services in the development of Chinese Books Cyber Store (1st online shopping store in HK), China Dotcom (1st HK/China based listed company in Nasdaq), Hongkong Dotcom (listed company in HK), Taiwan Dotcom, Netscape search engine, AOL Hong Kong, Cable & Wireless-Hong Kong Telecom’s various digital setups, YesMobile’s mobile application services, etc.  He is also involved in public policy advocacy, including research, engagement, partnership and education in various settings of thinktanks and consultancies.



- 思考社會世界最新趨勢


- 人生、事業和生涯規劃的思索

- 職埸、人事和工作環境的管理技巧

- 公司發展及人才資源管理怎令公司成長做大





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