CoolJobz, 你的職場轉型秘密武器
CoolJobz 是一個多元化的人才管理科技公司,我們會幫助大家面對這個職場已經大變、未來很多傳統工種消失、剩下創新創意職涯的全新宇宙~
當中的CoolJobz.com和各媒體渠道是求職和工作配對平台。我們與超過 10,000 家科技、創意行業及其它行業的初創公司及企業合作,成功協助超過 400,000求職者進行工作配對,建立他們的職業生涯。
運用 Ai 科技,CoolJobzHRM 是一站式人才資源管理平台。由招聘到入職,至續效評估都可在平台內完成。企業更可因應需求建設不同的模板,提高人力資源管理效率。是時候把團隊從繁重的人手工作及無休止的電子郵件中解放出來。
對各方求職者打工仔,CoolJobz 會為你的人生規劃提供協助:
1. CoolJobz.com及各媒體渠道 - 職業配對平台
2. 最新社會趨勢、職場資訊和成長知識
3. 教育、講座和職涯教練服務
1. CoolJobz.com及各媒體渠道 - 工作招聘平台
2. 最新社會趨勢、職場資訊和成長知識
3. CoolJobzHRM 人才資源管理系統
4. 公司策略顧問服務,市場定位、產品策略和相關的人才建構服務
5. 宏觀策略顧問服務,包括公共事務和公共政策的教育、顧問、定位和倡議服務
CoolJobz, your secret weapon in strategic career development.
Founded in2009, CoolJobz is a job-seeking solution that truly made a statement to the community. We partnered with over 10,000 start-ups and corporates in the technology and creative industry and supported over 400,000 individuals to build their careers.
CoolJobzHRM, your human resources companion.
Cool Jobz HRM is an Ai based one-stop solution to improve your HR process. From hiring and onboarding to performance tracking and service, Cool Jobz HRM sets a template for you to increase worker’s productivity. Free your team from repetitive manual tasks and endless email threads.
In the face of the COVID-19, the replacement of human labours by technology, the international geopolitical situation and the major changes in the global economy, rapid changes and risks have become a new normal. It is time for us to re-examine our career plans.
For all job seekers, CoolJobz will assistant your life planning:
1. and various media channels - career matching platform
2. The latest social trends, workplace information and knowledge
3. Education, lectures and career coaching services
As for employers and entrepreneurs, we know that companies can only grow by talent development:
1. and various media channels - job recruitment platform
2. The latest social trends, workplace information and knowledge
3. CoolJobzHRM Human Resource Management System
4. Corporate strategy consulting services, market positioning, product strategy and related talent development services
5. Macro strategy advisory services, advisory, positioning and advocacy services for public affairs and public policy education.
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